Because of the commitment of supporters like you, DJJ has become a force.
Over the last 7 years, DJJ has grown rapidly:
- Developing the leadership of hundreds of folks of all ages
- Building powerful relationships in the local social justice field
- Mobilizing needed capacity in coalition-driven campaigns
- Offering thought leadership and educational services to the Jewish community
- Creating a sense of belonging for progressive Jews
- Deepening identity through the integration of Jewish practice, culture and organizing
- Firmly positioning ourselves as a respected player in the national Jewish justice movement
Check out this clip from the 2021 Myra Wolfgang Awards
as founding Executive Director Rabbi Alana Alpert speaks
about the Mountaintop Multi-Year Commitment Campaign:
We’ve grown so much that we are embarking on our first search for a full-time Executive Director. Transitioning from a founding leader is the perfect time for each of us to reaffirm our commitment to the long-term health and sustainability of this precious collective. Please join us in supporting the Mountaintop Multi-year Campaign.
The Mountaintop Multi-year Campaign recognizes the heights that we have gotten to thus far, how important it is to ensure that DJJ is around for the long-haul, and the value of setting up the new Executive Director to hit the ground running.
We invite you to join the campaign with an ambitious multi-year pledge of $1000 or more. Your steadfast commitment and generosity is what will provide the anchor to DJJ in the coming years. Of course, any amount is welcome - and, we invite you to dig deep.
Looking for more inspiration to give?
These folks have already joined the Mountaintop Campaign -- you should, too!
- Rabbi Alana Alpert & Dr. Justin Sledge
- Susannah Goodman & Aaron Mondry
- AJ Aaron
- Syma & Lou Echeandia
- Lori Lutz & Greg Gamalski
- Rabbi Brent Gutmann
- Rabbi Jeffrey Falick & Arthur Liebhaber
- Rabbi Ariana Silverman and Justin Long
- Rabbi Alicia Harris
- Rabbi Ari Witkin & Liz Traison
- Rabbi Matt Zerwekh
- Rabbi Megan Brudney
- Beth Goldstein & Dr. Barry Rosen
- Randie Levin
- Roslyn Schindler
- Barry and Rochelle Rubin
- Rabbi Sheila Weinberg
- Jeff and Len-Len Jenks
- James Schaffer & Ilana Lerman
- Kathleen Straus & Walter Shapero
- Rabbi Blair & Phreddy Nosanwisch
- Andy Levin & Mary Freeman
- Samuel Bagenstos & Margo Schlanger
- Patti Aaron
- Nancy Bernstein and Robert Schoen
- Carolyn Tisdale
- David Hecker & Alice Audie-Figueroa
- Adam Milgrom & Valerie Efros
Susie, Claudia & Douglas Sills
- In Memory of Renee Bradley
Click here to sign up for a call with Rabbi Alana to learn more about joining the Mountaintop Campaign
Why "Mountaintop"?
Announcing the campaign just before Shavuot, we take inspiration from the image of the mountaintop symbolizing this time of looking into the future. Shavuot also represents brit/covenant: commitment to being part of a collective, to moving forward not just as individuals but as part of a people. You can hear more from R. Alana about this pivotal moment in DJJ’s life here.
Thank you for joining us! Your visionary support will ensure DJJ thrives into this exciting next chapter.