Our Host Committee consists of folks near and far who wish to support the 2021 Myra Wolfgang Awards. We are deeply grateful to this growing list for their generosity and belief in the long-term value of our work.
Mary Freeman and Andy Levin
Prue Rosenthal
Patti Aaron
Alpert Family: Adina Alpert, Aaren Alpert and Rabbi Micah Shapiro, Sarra Alpert, and Merrill and Gregg Alpert
In Memory of Ethel Schwartz by David and Katie Elsila
Mary Ellen and Harold Gurewitz
Gail and Ira Mondry
Laura Wolfgang Green and Steven Christianson
Martha Wolfgang and Peter Hutchings
Lora Frankel
Dan Korobkin
Lori Lutz
Jane Miller
Jo Rosen and Andy Nickelhoff
Harriet and Alvin Saperstein
Roslyn Abt Schindler
Sue Schooner
Kathleen Straus and Walter Shapero
Carolyn Tisdale
Marjory Cohen and Mel Kaufman
Barry and Ann Waldman
Detroit Jews for Justice Staff: Rabbi Alana Alpert, Susannah Goodman, Kendra Watkins, Allie Zeff and Blythe Kim
DJJ Steering Committee 2021: Mary Ellen Gurewitz, Syma Echeandia, Emiko Hayashi, Barry Rubin, Bobbi Spiegler and Mike Medow