Your Money’s No Good Here.

Everyone who gives to DJJ has a story.


Their ancestors were immigrants and refugees.

Their rabbi taught them to pursue justice.

Their rabbi did NOT teach them to pursue justice.

They live in the area and are striving to be a good neighbor.

Their family left Detroit and they want to stay connected.

This is the Jewish community they’ve been waiting for.


These are the stories that fuel our work. 

So your money’s no good here - not without your story!


We know we can count on you to help us raise $5000 before the end of the year. That way we’ll be able to pay our rent, compensate our talented employees, fund training for passionate leaders, offer respectful honorariums to our powerful partners, etc. 


But we need more than that. We need to know how giving to DJJ helps you live your values, so we can keep shaping this organization in the image of our hundreds of supporters like you.


So when you give to DJJ before year-end, and we really hope you will, we invite you to tell us why. With the help of your gifts of stories and funds, we can channel energy, build momentum, forge partnerships, and move our community forward.


Thank You!

Rabbi Alana Alpert

Donate to Detroit Jews for Justice 

p.s. In the last year we’ve been super blessed to bring on two new staff members. Hear their stories of why they throw down with DJJ here (Suz!) & here (Allie!).

“I give to DJJ because I want to grow up in a Jewish community that puts our money where our mouth is! Why are YOU giving??”

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