DJJ is growing -- and we want you to grow with us!
A year ago, we realized it was time for DJJ to level-up. We set out to design a new organizing system to meet the needs of our changing community.
A new model is emerging from a year long listening process. After gathering feedback from community partners, sister organizations, the Campaign Advisory Team, the Meta Organizing Workgroup, the Steering Committee, and 60+ DJJ leaders, we are launching two platform teams:
Want to learn more?
Ready to join a team?
Join us for the launch on Tuesday July 21st from 6-7:30 PM on Zoom!
When we kickstarted this effort a year ago, we weren't anticipating today's world-wide movement for racial justice. However, we're confident our new approach to organizing will rise to meet the needs of this moment. We're excited to welcome so many new folks who are ready to commit to serious organizing and to reconnect with long-time DJJniks looking for new opportunities to show up.