DJJ Storytelling Event: Narratives of Injustice

Join us on Thursday, September 26th at 6pm to listen to stories from our partner organizations, the Coalition for Property Tax Justice, Mothering Justice, and Equality Michigan. This will be our moment to reconcile the fights we've endured to achieve our basic needs and how our individual battles are intertwined in the fight for collective liberation. 

If you'd like to share your own story, all are welcome to. If you'd like to just come and listen to our partners and find ways to plug in, we invite you with open arms. Come hang, sing, shmooze, and make connections. 

To tell stories builds relationships, relationships build community, and community builds power. As we rush into the whirlwind of election season, come reground in long-term grassroots organizing work and be in community with fellow DJJ-niks. 

If interested in telling a story, reach out to Stevie! 

Gentle and Flexible Storytelling Guidelines for this event:

  • Ideal length: 5 minutes

  • Stories, poems, essays, performance, visual art all welcome

  • Bring your own work or highlight someone else’s work that speaks to you about this theme!

  • Prompt: when was a time you had to fight for something that you need? A time you had to fight your landlord, car insurance, or employer?

    • Access to ____________ (healthcare, child care, education, clean water, housing, transportation, adequate nutrition, ancestral wisdom, spiritual practice, community, safety, ... this list can go on and on)


September 26, 2024 at 6:00pm - 8pm


Tech Town
440 Burroughs
Detroit, MI 48202
United States
Google map and directions


Stevie Kollin ·

Will you come?

Please check your e-mail for a link to activate your account.