Leading Jewish Organizations Endorse the PPC

As the Poor People's Campaign (PPC) swept the States this summer, several leading Jewish organizations, many of which are national, endorsed this historic movement. 

Detroit Jews for Justice led the charge on recruiting Jewish clergy and lay leaders to participate in PPC's Moral Mondays in Michigan. For six weeks, DJJniks and other Jewish folks from throughout Metro Detroit schlepped to Lansing for the rallies and non-violent acts of civil disobedience in the name of the following themes:

Week 1 (May 13-19)
Somebody’s Hurting Our People: Children, Women and People with Disabilities Living in Poverty

Week 2 (May 20-26)
Linking Systemic Racism and Poverty: Voting Rights, Immigration, Xenophobia, Islamophobia, and the Mistreatment of Indigenous Communities

Week 3 (May 27-June 2)
The War Economy: Militarism and the Proliferation of Gun Violence

Week 4 (June 3-9)
The Right to Health and a Healthy Planet: Ecological Devastation and Health Care

Week 5 (June 10-16)
Everybody’s Got the Right To Live: Education, Living Wages, Jobs, Income, Housing

Week 6 (June 17-23) -- In Detroit!
A New and Unsettling Force: Confronting the Distorted Moral Narrative

Jewish community took up the call to action across the nation. The following heavy-hitting Jewish organizations endorsed the PPC:

Click here for a list of the other endorsing organizations

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