Eleanor featured in Model D article about Jewish Millennials in Detroit

Eleanor, along with Jewish leaders from Hazon, Downtown Synagogue, and Repair the World, were featured in this article about Jewish Millennials in Detroit.

From Model D: A wave of young Jews in their 20s and 30s are moving to Detroit and the near suburbs to participate in a vibrant social justice movement. Whether they came from West Bloomfield or Massachusetts, they often join one of the numerous nonprofit Jewish organizations facilitating work on progressive causes in the city like food access, voter registration, tax foreclosure, and more. 

Eleanor Gamalski, 25, of Hamtramck, spoke at the food festival, synagogues around town, and any other podium she can find, to talk water and mobilization. She got a job three years ago with Detroit Jews for Justice (DJJ), a grassroots organization that promotes equity, where she helps people of all stripes learn community organizing skills.


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