In an article entitled, "What Next? Moving Forward After A Divisive Election," Rabbi Alana joined other Jewish leaders in discussing how we've processed the election results.
"I needed to be in community — to feel connected to other terrified hearts," she said. The following night, dozens of people of all ages gathered in her living room. "There was a lot of hugging and a lot of tears. We talked about the state of our emotions, about fear and grief. Some are scared for their friends who are queer, undocumented, black and brown, and some are scared for themselves as they hold one of those identities in addition to feeling threatened as Jews," Alpert added. "Each of us spoke the name of a person we love who is especially vulnerable and sung them blessings of courage. We sang ‘Kol haOlam Kulo,’ Rebbe Nachman’s teaching that the whole world is a narrow bridge and the essential thing is not to fear.” Other songs and prayers Alpert was drawn to were “Lo Yisa Goy” — nation shall not lift up sword against nation, and “Min haMeytzar” — from a narrow place I called out to God. “Toward the end we shared one word: something we hoped to feel in the coming days. I heard words like safety, clarity, community and commitment.”