We had a lot going on this week!
On Tuesday at our June general meeting, leaders Sam and Mikell proposed next steps for DJJ's water justice work this year. We watched clips from documentary filmmaker Kate Levy about water struggles in our region (which you can view here, here, and here) and we were joined in conversation by Lila Cabill, a water warrior and fellow faith leader on the People's Water Board. Stay tuned for updates on how DJJ is mobilizing for water justice and how you can get involved.
On Friday we joined Isaac Agree Downtown Synagogue for Shabbat services and dinner, where we heard from Julie Hurwitz, an incredible Detroit lawyer and friend of DJJ. Julie's amazing and comprehensive talk offered a window into her legal work for water struggles -- both in Detroit (representing our friends in the Homrich 9) and in Flint (part of the major class action legal team representing the community in a number of civil rights/common law lawsuits). Kudos to Downtown Synagogue for hosting Julie! DJJ leader Susannah also led services, offering a beautiful d'var Torah on the human right to water.
The activities continued into Sunday -- when we attended and contributed to a day-long training by national organization JOIN for Justice, entitled ROAR! A Jewish Leadership Training for Resistance, Organizing, Action, and Resilience. We got to know one another, learned the basic tools of community organizing, and practiced campaign strategizing. Thanks to National Council of Jewish Women for hosting!
See photos from Julie's talk and ROAR below! Here's to more busy months to come.